Yoga Nidra
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Yoga Nidra, which literally means "sleep of the yogis", is in the beginning used just as a physical and mental relaxation technique, but this is not the true sleep of a Yogi, which penetrates into much deeper levels of consciousness. more info here
The Chakras Series: Description: Of the 72,000 energy channels (or nadis) in the body, the two main channels run along side the spinal column in a crisscrossing pattern intersecting at the chakras. These are known as Ida and Pingala. They can be roughly likened to yin & yang. Ida represents the lunar, feminine, internal and also, the mental aspect of the self. Pingala represents the solar, masculine, extraverted and physical aspects of the self. Before the Chi (a.k.a. prana, Qi, kundalini) can move upward to higher chakras, these channels must be cleansed, opened and balanced. Once this is achieved, a third channel running up the center of the spine, shushumna, opens. This class is focused on opening, cleansing and balancing the Ida and Pingala in oredre to lead to more evolved levels of consciousness.
The Chakras Series: The first chakra is located in the pelvic floor roughly equated to the perineal body. This class works to strengthen and harmonize the muscles of the pelvis (using Pawanmuktasana series 3). The series of asana releases energy blocks in the pelvis, an area where energy tends to stagnate. Mulabandha in also used extensively to awaken the kundalini energy. Working with Mulabandha is also beneficial to the colon, reproductive organs, urinary tract and can help with prolapse, constipation, incontinence, recovery after pregnancy and menstrual problems.
The Chakras Series: The first chakra relates to personal safety and security: basic animal needs. It is associated with groundedness (the name means ‘root’) and this class explores asana to establish a sense of balance and grounding. There is a series working with Mulabandha, chanting ‘Lam’ and visualization associated with the first chakra. Relaxation includes a short Yoga Nidra body awareness.
The Chakras Series: The second chakra is associated with the water element, fluidity, creativity, the sex drive and the unconscious. In this class, practices are done for the second chakra such as shalabasana (locust), dhanurasana (bow) and vajroli mudra (contraction of the urinary tract). Because many instinctive drives in the unconscious are triggered by working with this chakra, a yoga nidra practice is included to help clear unconscious blocks.
The Chakras Series:
The Chakras Series: In this class we approach the 3rd chakra in terms of it being the source of our energy. Similar to the Dan tien center in Qi Gong, Manipura is said to radiate and distribute prana to the rest of the body. This is a powerful set of asanas that also uses the image of heat or fire in the belly to amplify the prana or Qi.
The Chakras Series: Heart chakra: Anahata, located in the chest, is associated with unconditional love, compassion, and self-love. When the human psyche is stuck at the 2nd chakra, one experiences the world in a Freudian way. When the psyche is preoccupied at the third chakra, Adlerian psychology dominates. But once the individual operates from the 4th chakra, the limitations of the ego are overcome and one is able to experience others in a divine way. This is a strong, potent set with much backbending ending with a beautiful meditation. It creates a strong experience of heart opening.
The Chakras Series: Vishuddhi chakra located in the throat is the final chakra with a physical aspect (ether) before moving to the realm beyond the physical. It is associated with self-expression, communication and the physical manifestation of the creative self. It is also associated with the faculty of higher discrimination, between choosing what is right and wrong. When it is open, negative experience is transformed into wisdom and learning. In this class, the emphasis is on finding individual purpose by working with the 5th chakra. There is a long warm-up limbering the throat area, a short set, OM mantra and Ajapa Japa meditatitaon. Woven throughout the class is the use of ujjiya pranayama (psychic breath), jalandhara bandha (neck lock) and khechari mudra (tongue lock), all powerful tools for Vishuddhi center.
The Chakras Series: The Sanskrit word Shuddhi means to purify. This class focuses on the fifth chakra and its relation to purifying and harmonizing opposites. Balanced vishudddi leads to eloquence of speech and expression. In addition, it provides discernment. Discernment in being able to tell truth from lies and hearing ones true intuition versus the chatter of voice in ones head. Vishuddhi relates to approaching life open to the experience without desire or judgment of good & bad. One ceases to continually avoid the unpleasant aspects of life and seek the pleasant. Instead there is a flowing with life allowing things to happen as they do. The class has a short vigorous warm up of asana, followed by specific work with Jalandhara bandha (neck lock) and Vipareeta Karani (upside down pose). The meditation is a chanting practice to Russill Paul’s “Lokah Samasta”. A short yoga nidra practice with chakra visualization ends the class.
The Chakras Series: This class is in a series on the chakras, so in addition to working on the 6th chakra itself, it includes practices to integrate the chakras. Begins with breath of fire and Nadi shodhana pranayama (alternate nostril breathing) to clear the energy pathways, followed by a short but vigorous asana set and then chanting of the Bij mantras for each chakra. The class ends with a short yoga nidra relaxation. The music is by Russill Paul. There is a discussion of khestram and how they relate to chakra, circular chakra breathing. |
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